
Tips for Breastfeeding Success

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Breastfeeding is a journey for both you and your baby. It isn’t always easy and it isn’t for every family, Mom, or Baby. If breastfeeding isn’t for you for whatever reason (and you don’t need a reason), no worries! But if it is, here are some of my tips for a successful breastfeeding journey. Hopefully, these Tips for Breastfeeding Success can help you and your baby to have a successful breastfeeding journey.

If you need suggestions for supplies and essentials to help in your breastfeeding journey, head over to my blog post 10 Breastfeeding Essentials found HERE on Mama’s Many Loves. It is complete with links to my favorite products to save you time searching the internet. And now, my Tips for Breastfeeding Success.

Tips for Breastfeeding Success

Get Comfortable

If you are uncomfortable, you likely won’t be able to relax which can affect your milk supply and let down.  This could include finding a comfy seat, using a Boppy, or whatever helps you to be comfortable. This brings us to number 2…


This is easier said than done when Baby is hungry and screaming, you can’t get them to latch and you want to cry too!  Try to take a deep breath, calm and soothe Baby as best you can, and try again.  Often if Baby would latch and wasn’t getting milk, I would do a self-check and realize that I was tensed up.  Once I took a deep breath and felt my body relax, the letdown would come and we would be good to go.  

Grab Your Phone 

I know there are people who disagree with this.  They say you should be focusing on the baby the whole time and enjoying every minute.  Yes, that’s lovely in a perfect world. 

In the real world, you may need to text your partner to bring you something instead of screaming down the hallway and upsetting Baby.  It’s a way to keep yourself awake in the middle of the night when Baby is feeding. Playing a mindless game or scrolling social media helps with that.  I would not recommend trying to read books because when I did this I had no clue what I’d read or what was going on in the book because I was so tired when I read it.

Keep Track of Feeds

I have heard of people clipping something on their bra straps to remember which side they fed on last, or keeping a notepad with times.  I used an app that my husband could also sync to and see.  It made it easier in the middle of the night so he could see if Baby had recently fed and if so take over getting Baby back to sleep.  Also if you accidentally feed on one side more than the other, the laws of supply and demand will kick in and you could end up with oversupply or clogged ducts on that side.  The neglected side will also be affected and not produce as much.

Be Patient with Yourself. 

Despite breastfeeding being portrayed as a beautiful natural process for all moms and babies, there is a learning curve! And half of your team is a baby!  They need to learn too. 

You are enough Mama and you are doing a great job.  Even if breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you both, for whatever reason, you are an amazing Mom. Oh, and by the way, you do not have to justify your choices to anyone!

Tips for Breastfeeding Success

Listen to Baby

While Baby may not talk or communicate conventionally, they will give you cues, aside from hunger cues.  There is no “perfect” way to nurse that works for every baby.

My two fed differently, Little A nursed from both sides at every feed.  However, Baby J would stick to one side per feed and lose his mind if I tried to switch him. 

Save yourself a lot of hassle and listen to your baby and your body, not everyone else’s comments.  Except for a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, listen to their advice but apply it in a way that works for you and your baby.  

Stay Hydrated

I absolutely noticed a decrease in my supply on days when I didn’t drink as much water.  It is hard to remember to drink throughout the day amongst the chaos of a baby. Try catching up on water intake during feeding sessions. 

Once baby is latched and eating, it’s the perfect time to focus on hydration and drink some water! And by the time you have to pee from all of that water, the feed will probably be over.

Tips for Breastfeeding Success
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Be Nice to Yourself

I have to add this caveat because I really beat myself up while nursing.  There are so many hormones going on and Baby isn’t always cooperative or making feeds easy.  The world tells you it’s beautiful and natural and guess what, it isn’t always that way!!

Also, you may be spending a lot of time alone with Baby during feeds, scrolling on social media, and comparing yourself to other moms.   If you find yourself doing this, switch to a mindless game and move on!  

I hope these Tips for Breastfeeding Success help you and your baby on your breastfeeding journey. If you need supplies I do have a blog post HERE on Mama’s Many Loves with links to purchase my Top 10 Breastfeeding Essentials. Good luck Mama, and remember, you’ve got this!

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