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Questions to Ask Daycare Regarding COVID

COVID has changed all of our lives and our world. Daycare is no exception. We have toured 4 daycares in the last year and I am surprised at how each of them has differed in their approach to COVID. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and your local Health Departments dictate some policies, there is a lot of leeway for companies to interpret and individualize their response to COVID. I hope this list of Questions to Ask Daycare Regarding COVID helps you to feel safe and confident during these crazy times.

What changes have they made with regards to COVID?

This is a broad question but may include answers to some of the other questions below. What changes has this daycare center made to their pre-COVID operations to keep your child safe?

What is their mask policy?

Do they start mandatory masking at age 2 years? 3 years? Are kids unmasked outside? Unasked during naps? Are kids allowed mask breaks?

10 Questions to Ask Your Daycare About COVID
10 Questions to Ask Daycare About COVID, Save it for Your Tour!

What is their policy on exposures?

What counts as an exposure in this facility? When kids are sent home after an in-school exposure, what happens? Do they contact local health departments for guidance? When can children return (if they remain asymptomatic)? Do they need a negative test to return?

What is their policy regarding out-of-school COVID exposures? What if someone in the home is exposed or tests positive? How long does the child need to quarantine and again, do they need a test to return if asymptomatic?

What is their policy on symptomatic children?

This is SO hard as a parent. Anyone with babes and toddlers in daycare knows that they are constantly sick their first year and often have an intermittent cough and clear runny nose from October to April (at least in the Northeast!).

What symptoms constitute being sent home or excluded from daycare attendance? Do children need a negative test to return? Doctor’s note? How long do they need to be asymptomatic prior to returning?

Are Parents Allowed in the Building?

At the beginning of COVID, all daycares in our town had parents dropping off outside or in the lobby. As people were vaccinated and positivity rates dropped that has been amended accordingly at every daycare in town but ours. I would not recommend a daycare that does not allow you to enter the building if all others in your community allow it.

We have never seen our child playing in his classroom. There are no drop-off or pick-up updates or conversations with teachers. We have no way to speak directly to his teachers unless we call and hope they are available or schedule a Zoom call in advance. If this bothers you, consider choosing another daycare that is more family-friendly. It upsets me every day and we are actively looking to move our child as a result.

What is the Process for Meals and Snacks?

Are kids allowed to sit with other friends while unmasked to continue socializing and learning manners? Are they isolated? If spread out in the room are staff able to see them all, help as needed, and keep an eye out for choking hazards, etc.

How to Discuss COVID Policies with Daycare
How to Discuss COVID Policies with Daycare

Are Water Bottles Allowed?

This may seem crazy, and it is something I never thought to ask but again in our town, the daycare we attend is the only one with this restriction. Our daycare does not allow water bottles from home for toddlers and preschoolers. Kids must ask every time they want a drink of water. We have no idea how much water our son drinks, or if he is comfortable asking for water. As I said above, looking to move him!

What COVID Tests Do they Accept?

If testing is required to return to school after symptoms, exposures, etc-what type of test is allowed? Is a home test sufficient? Or does it have to be from a testing facility?

If so, is a rapid or antigen test okay or do they require a PCR which takes longer to receive results? Depending on testing availability in your area this could be an issue when trying to meet return to school requirements.

Travel policy

If your family travels out of state does your child need a negative test to return to daycare? Is it different for international vs domestic travel? Travel by car vs plane?

Payment While in Quarantine

If sent home from school due to a COVID exposure do you still have to pay to hold their spot? If so is it full tuition or a percentile? Does this differ if exposed at school vs exposed at home?

For example, our daycare charges 50% if exposed at daycare and 100% if exposed at home. If you are still charged, is that money going towards paying your child’s teacher in quarantine, or are they going without pay?

Staff Vaccination Requirements

This will differ from state to state, daycare to daycare. Are staff required to be vaccinated? If not, are they required to test, and how often? Are parents notified if their child’s teacher is not vaccinated?

10+ Questions to Ask Your Potential Daycare About their COVID Policies
10+ Questions to Ask Your Potential Daycare About their COVID Policies

I hope these Questions to Ask Daycare Regarding COVID helped you on your daycare journey. I would love to hear any questions you have to add or things you wished you had asked daycares as we all navigate daycare and parenting during a pandemic. As always, keep rocking parenthood Mama!!

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