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7 Must-Haves for Flying with Baby

These are my 7 Must-Haves for Flying with Baby, with product links to Amazon. This will help you pack for a successful flight with your baby!

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Little A started traveling by plane at around 8 months old and did very well.  I would plan flights during her nap time, and be sure to get to the airport early enough for her to run around, or for us to have a sit-down meal before the flight if it was mealtime.

Over time, and after a fail or two with delays and long flights, I put together a list of my 7 Must-Haves for Flying with Baby to avoid under or overpacking for flights with a baby.

Baby Carrier

I have heard many debates about whether or not you can wear a baby through security.  I have never tried because it’s easier for me to have the carrier clean and protected in a bag than to have to throw it on the security belt if TSA decides last minute that I can’t use it.  As soon as I’m through security, I put the carrier back on and wear Baby. 

On the plane when Baby gets tired pop them into the carrier, stand up and do a little bouncing.   Between the bounce and white noise, Baby is asleep and my hands are free when you sit back down to have a little cocktail or read a book.

I love my Lillebaby Complete Airflow Carrier, it keeps the baby cool and ergonomically safe. Plus, there are tons of stylish prints to choose from! My carrier lives in the back of my car and we bring it on every trip we take, even now that Baby J is almost 2 years old. It can carry up to 45lbs, so we still have lots of room to grow. Amazon constantly has amazing sales on Lillebaby carriers.

Traveling with a Toddler? Check out 7 Essentials to Pack When Flying with a Toddler

Feeding Gear

When I was breastfeeding, I brought my Boppy on planes with me. It’s an easy item to stuff in a bag and makes it easier to cradle a sleeping baby. Bring an extra Boppy cover so you can remove the dirty plane cover at your destination. 

Always bring bottles and feeding essentials in a carry-on, even if Baby is not due to eat during your flight time.  You never know if a flight will be delayed, have to be diverted, or circle the airport due to traffic.  These little delays will feel like an eternity with a hungry screaming baby if you aren’t prepared.

I fed both of my kids during take-off and landing on all flights as babies.  It seemed to help their little ears from popping due to the pressure change. 

I have also traveled with a bottle-fed baby and brought formula in this handy little container.  It is small to pack and can hold 3 bottles worth of premeasured formula.  

One time our flight circled the airport for almost an hour and we needed an extra bottle, thankfully I had filled the container with 3 bottles worth, just in case. After that flight, we started using it every time we went out and just threw it in the diaper bag.  Now that Baby J is a toddler, we use it for snacks like goldfish, yogurt melts, or Cheerios!


If Baby is old enough and taking purées, throw a few pouches in your bag.  They aren’t glass, won’t take up much room, and are fine to bring through TSA security. Hint: Grab pouches in bulk from Amazon and save money compared to the grocery store!

Snuggle item or blanket

The last thing you may want to do is bring your baby’s beloved item on a dirty plane. I advise bringing a backup for the plane.  Either a duplicate of the said favorite or a similar item to use on the plane.  This also avoids panic and chaos if it gets left behind on a plane or at the airport.

These are my 7 Must-Haves for Flying with Baby, with product links to Amazon. This will help you pack for a successful flight with your baby!

Extra Layers and Outfits

Planes can be chilly, or in the case of our recent Disney flights, absolutely sweltering hot.  Luckily I had dressed Baby J in pants and a shirt but brought along a one-piece shorts outfit that I ended up changing him into because he was sweating.  I have never been so hot on a plane before and was thankful I happened to throw that in there anticipating hot weather in Florida, but never guessed I would need it on the plane. 

Diaper bag

This is key!  I once tried to condense my diaper bag into a little bag for a flight. Huge mistake!  I know the layout of my diaper bag and where everything is since I use it every time we go out.  I was floundering with this new smaller bag and it made no sense in the throes of a blowout on an airplane to be digging around in an unfamiliar bag!!  Stick with what you know Mama!

Once Baby J was born, I grabbed this beautiful and practical JuJuBe BFF diaper bag.  It’s not cheap, but considering the number of cheaper bags I had tried and hated, it definitely would have been cheaper to just buy this one, to begin with.  Also, they often go on sale on Amazon so keep an eye out!

Birth Certificate/Passport

Be sure to check your airline’s rules regarding required documentation for babies to fly. When our kids were babies, before we had to purchase seats for them, we were required to provide a copy of their birth certificate at check-in for each flight we took.


While flying is a much faster way to get somewhere than driving, you lose all control over the timing, and pretty much everything else!  Stressing yourself out over a delayed or canceled flight will put your whole family on edge, so try to stay calm and go with the flow on travel days.  You will save yourself unnecessary stress that you truly cannot do anything about!

Have a Blast!

I hope this post helps to make packing for a flight with Baby a little easier for you and your family. Don’t forget to check out the companion to this post 7 Essentials to Pack When Flying with a Toddler so that you are just as well equipped to fly with your older child as you are with Baby!

These are my 7 Must-Haves for Flying with Baby, with product links to Amazon. This will help you pack for a successful flight with your baby!

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  1. What wonderful and useful tips! Traveling with a little one can be stressful, but these are some great suggestions to keep things smooth and comfortable for everyone traveling (especially the baby!). Great post!

    1. Thank you so much Carolyn! It can definitely be stressful, it took me quite a few trips to finally get a list together of my must-haves from trial and error! Everyone should be able to enjoy traveling, even with kids 🙂

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