
How to Read 24 Books in 2024

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There is one simple step to be on your way to reading 24 books in 2024. Put your phone down. Yup, that’s it, that’s the trick to reading more books. You may think I’m crazy, but hear me out!

Little A and I were chatting one day and I noted how I used to read a lot pre- kids, but no longer had time. In her infinite wisdom, she remarked, “If you put down your phone at night and read, you would have lots of time.” I blew her off at first, then thought about the amount of time I spend on social media and “relaxing,” each night when the kids go to bed and decided to give it a whirl. The results speak for themselves.

The Results of Less Phone Time

In 2022, I read 2 books. In 2023, when I put my phone down during my relaxing after the kids are in bed nightly downtime, I read 35 books. I am not kidding you. Oh and I still check my phone from time to time in the evenings, I just don’t spend hours scrolling social media. Check my Goodreads for proof-they were kind enough to keep track for me! My goal this year is to read 24 books in 2024.

After some time, I also cut back on my TV time after the kids went to bed, which increased my reading. I did it simply because I enjoyed that reading in bed downtime more than staying up watching TV and inevitably snacking as I did. Instead, I make a chamomile or sleepy time tea, grab my Kindle or book, whichever my current book is, and relax.

Kindle Paperwhite

I do think that a large part of my being able to read so much is my Kindle Paperwhite. It’s the perfect size and has an adjustable backlight. This allows me to read in bed at night without disturbing my sleeping husband. Of note, I have this Kindle case to keep it protected, and love the book feel it gives.

My Kindle is much easier to pack for vacations without lugging multiple books around. Once your books are downloaded, you do not need Wifi or service to read them, great for vacation. The charge also lasts for weeks, so no charger is needed for most vacations.

My Kindle can be there when I need it, with multiple books ready to go. I even throw it in my purse for kids’ sporting events with a lot of downtime between drop-off and the event actually starting (looking at you gymnastics meets!)

Where to Find Books for Free

I do not typically purchase my books. I borrow them via the Libby app, my local library, or seek out free books for my Kindle on Amazon.

Libby app

Libby is an incredible free app that allows you to borrow Kindle books and audiobooks via your local library card. It allows you to have 10 holds at a time, which I have needed this year for some of the more popular books I’ve read. Holds can take anywhere from days to months for your turn to come up, but I never had trouble finding available books to read in the meantime.

Hoopla app

The Hoopla app is one I’ve used in the past as our old town did not participate in Libby at that time. Hoopla also offers a ton of audiobooks, I think more than Libby. The app is also free and tied to your local library card.

Local Library

I also have ventured outside the children’s section of our local library and perused the adult fiction section for books not available on Libby. Ask your librarian about which app your library card will work with, they should be able to help.


Amazon offers free books to Prime members throughout the year via Prime Reading. You can also search for free Amazon Kindle books on Google and it takes you right to a free Kindle book page on Amazon.


I do not get books through Goodreads, but it is a great way to keep track of books you’d like to read. It is a free service, with an app for your phone. They even have a Reading Challenge for each year, where you choose the number of books you’d like to read and they keep track for you. Of course, my goal is to read 24 books in 2024.

Goodreads has helped me to keep track of what to look for on my apps or in the library. I am great about writing them down, or screenshotting people’s lists then never doing anything with the information, so now it all goes into one place.

Notes About My Book List

Here is a list of my 35 books in 2023, there aren’t any I hated, but Colleen Hoover proved to be too violent and intense for me, so I am not likely to read more of her books for the time being.

I’ve linked each book via Amazon so that you can read the synopsis provided to determine if the book may be for you. You know yourself best, so please research for any trigger warnings before reading. There are links for each with pricing for Audible, Kindle, paperback, and hardcover if applicable. But feel free to simply use it to make your 2024 reading list for Libby, Hoopla, or your local library.

23 (or 35) Books in 2023

24 Books in 2024

I hope this post helps you to choose some books to read in 2024 (maybe even 24 books in 2024?!) and make the time to read them. Reading is a far more productive and healthy use of your time than scrolling social media in most instances, and you deserve to prioritize your self-care this year.

For more self-care tips, check out my posts Self-Care for Moms and How to Start Healthy Habits as a Mom.

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