Self-Care for Moms

I recently heard the quote “You can’t pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first.” This quote made me think about self-care for Moms and how taking care of myself benefits my whole family.

Self-care sometimes means making time for ourselves.  As Moms we often don't take the time, and wait for the time to come which it never does!

There are Only 24 Hours in a Day

Something recently occurred to me as I was breastfeeding Baby J and scrolling through social media at 3 am trying to stay awake… I’ve always thought that my friends who have time for self-care and their interests other than their families, just “have time.” I realized in my middle-of-the-night stupor that those Moms make time for themselves!! They prioritize themselves and their time for self-care.

There are 24 hours in a day. Between time with my family, working 5 days a week outside the home, the commute that goes along with that, and the day-to-day routines at our house, there is no extra time just floating around out there. I am never going to just “have time” for self-care. I need to make the time.

More importantly, I need to make it without feeling guilty. By giving myself the opportunity to recharge, I will have more of me to give to my family, and it will probably be a more patient and fun version of me! Obviously, making time easier said than done, but it’s definitely a great goal to work towards.

8 Quick Self-Care Ideas You Can Do at Home

I have found so many amazing blogs and websites with self-care ideas, but they tend to be kind of crazy like a Spa Day. That requires a lot of planning in advance; sometimes I just need 3-5 minutes. Yes, I have hidden in the bathroom to take a couple of deep breaths before, haven’t we all?!

Here are some quick and easy things I do when I’m knee-deep in the chaos and just need a few minutes to recharge. These ideas don’t require making plans in advance, arranging childcare, taking time off work, etc.

  1. Take a few deep breaths (yes it works!)
  2. Eat a piece of candy (works every time for me!)
  3. Play a game on my phone
  4. Scroll through photos of my favorite vacation
  5. Try a yoga pose or two
  6. Think up your next vacation destination
  7. Paint my nails (I usually do toenails when the kids are awake in case someone needs to be picked up)
  8. Text a friend (I would say call but if I call someone it is the universal sign for everyone to need me and lose their mind at my house)
8 Free Self-Care Ideas Moms Can Do at Home That Take Less than 5 Minutes!
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How and when do you make time for self-care? Any ideas for quick self-care breaks at home?

Follow my Self-Care Pinterest Board where I ambitiously save all kinds of self-care ideas to try out one of these days!!

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