Why I Started a Mom Blog

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Blogging Take 2

To be totally honest, I did have a previous blog. I started a food blog in 2011, literally just to share recipes with my family instead of emailing them out every time I made something new and people asked for the recipe.

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In 2018 I decided to expand my food blog outside of my family and friends but realized that it was simply not equipped for that. Most of the recipes on my blog were not my original content. They were simply recipes I tried, liked and wanted to share. As I learned more about blogging, I realized that most of my recipes would have to be taken down.

I also learned that food photography is an incredible talent that I simply don’t have, nor do I have a desire to learn it at all. My life has changed as have my passions and my focus is my family. If I take the time to learn about photography, it will be how to photograph these wild kids who never stop moving when I try to take their pictures!

I love having a platform to share information with others. Also as I dove into the blogging world, I realized how much I love blogs and the blogging community. I decided that blogging again, about the topics that mean the most to me, would be perfect for me.

Why another blog?

  • I love writing!
  • I research everything, probably to a fault but that means that I have a lot of information to share
  • It’s a new and unique challenge
  • Blogging is constantly evolving and never boring
  • The blogging community is amazing!
  • Start-up costs are relatively low or free, depending on your host

Why a Mom Blog?

  • Being a Mom is the most amazing part of my life
  • I want to connect with other Moms around the world
  • Opportunity to share my interests with other Moms
  • Sharing my research will hopefully save other Moms valuable time
  • I want other Moms to know they are not alone

Moms Supporting Moms

I feel like the Mom community gets a bad reputation sometimes for mom-shaming and being plain mean and judgmental towards each other. The Mom groups I am a part of have been such a positive experience for me and helped me navigate my way as a first-time Mom over the past 3.5 years and Mom of two over the past 10 months.

Since I decided to start my Mom Blog, I have joined several Facebook groups of other Mom Bloggers. The support everyone gives each other, and lack of competition between people doing very similar things is nothing short of inspiring.

My hope is that Moms who read my blog can interact with each other via comments in an encouraging and supportive way. My dream is to start an interactive, non-judgmental community for Moms to share their interests and Loves because we all have them.

But first things first, Welcome to Mama’s Many Loves! Thank you for reading and joining me on my journey. I value and look forward to hearing your comments!

Have you recently started a new blog or creative project? How is it going? What made you choose your new project?

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